1. Blueberry Picking at Zook's Orchard
2. Cook Museum of Natural Science
3. Dinner at the Pool - We always order in so it's a win/win as this Mama doesn't have to cook!
4. Game Night - Parker being the old soul that he is picked out the retro edition of the board game Clue to add to our collection.
5. Bake Peach Crisp
6. Bowling
7. Fireworks
8. See a Baseball Game - Nashville Sounds
9. Feed the Ducks at Big Spring
10. Have a Lemonade Stand - Proceeds benefitting the Huntsville Public Library
11. Go Out for Ice Cream
12. Get New Books at the Bookstore - Parker's favorites are the Nancy Drew Clue Books
, the Magic Tree House Series
and The Hardy Boys Secret Files Collection
13. Movie Night - Parker selected Toy Story 2 in preparation for our Mama/Parker date to the theatre to see Toy Story 4.
14. Breakfast for Dinner - Another win for this Mama, so easy and Parker gets a kick out of it!
15. Farmers Market
16. Visit the Huntsville Botanical Gardens - We made it here many times over the summer! Sometimes meeting friends, sometimes heading over on a whim, having picnics, swinging in the hammocks, visiting the butterflies, and tie dying shirts on one of the kids days! HSVBG is my favorite place here in town.
17. Jumping at Altitude
18. Concerts in the Park
19. Water Balloons
20. Make a Summer Playlist
What was on your Summer Bucket List?
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