Bumpdate | 9 Months

Baby is the size of a: watermelon!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +29 lbs. (but still able to wear my wedding rings this time around, wahoo!)

Maternity Clothes: Technically, I've gained less weight with this pregnancy but I'm somehow BIGGER - so big, that the maternity clothing I've saved for six years from last pregnancy don't fit, Hrmph. 

Cravings: BLTs, Strawberry Pretzel Salad, ice cream by the pint

Aversions: I don't think I'll ever eat chicken and waffles again (I have to look away when I see it listed on a menu)

Symptoms: I had an unfortunate fainting episode while substitute teaching, which resulted in my resigning from subbing for fear it would happen again. I'm no stranger to vasovagal syncope (blood pressure drop resulting in cold sweat, nausea and loss of consciousness), but this episode seemed to come out of the blue without a trigger... except the trigger was just pregnancy. I had to be taken out of a classroom full of kids which was awful. In addition, I started to have bouts of a racing heartbeat/heart palpitations... my doctor says it's unrelated to my heart conditions (mitral valve prolapse and persistent left superior vena cava) and that it's just pregnancy wonkiness... it's still not fun. 

What I Miss: Not having my body let me down - it's been super frustrating.

What I'm Looking Forward To: Baby's arrival, of course!

Boy or Girl: I seriously was 50/50 split until a week or so ago, then all of a sudden, I'm convinced it's a BOY.

Labor Signs: Baby is at -2 station, I'm 1.5 cm dilated and 50% effaced... and baby is apparently BIG (or so says the ultrasound). I had my last OB appointment and brought in donuts for the nurses and staff who have been so kind this whole pregnancy!

Best Moments: Making the 250 club at Pure Barre! It was my goal to make it to the 250th class before delivery (and I've since clocked in a few more!)


See you soon, baby!

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