1. I've been touring schools this week to find the perfect fit for Parker because come fall, he will be attending preschool. I'm pretty sure I was just pregnant with him, so I'm not sure how this can be. Granted, it will be half-days and only a couple times a week, but it's going to be such a big change. The little guy has been my side kick all day every day for the past almost three years! Our days are filled with running and playing, reading and snuggling, crafting and painting, errands and lunches out, play dates, library and a million other things in between... I just can't imagine my days without him!

On a side note, I'm not sure if having an extensive background in education (a Master's degree and almost ten years teaching experience) makes it easier or harder to vet schools. Yes, it gives me a wealth of knowledge from which to draw, but I think it also makes me highly critical (which I'm hoping won't be an issue).
2. I'm totally a creature of habit, right down to my lunch choices. I'll get on a kick and have the same thing every single day. Does anyone else do this?? Last week, it was Boursin and sliced cucumbers on naan. This week? Every day it's been brie, green apple, smoked turkey and honey mustard on baguette. I'm now running low on ingredients so it's about time for a switch!

3. It's almost time for my very favorite holiday! We are so close to February I can almost taste it. Husby has commended me for my restraint this year in savingall most of my pink heart goodness for February. Even Parker has been practicing patience, waiting to bake and decorate Valentine sugar cookies. Since I've been so good, maybe I should add another pair of festive pajamas to my collection? I'm eyeing all three of these:
Heart Print Pajama Short Set | Heart Pajama Pants | Heart Candy Pajama Set
4. And in the spirit of all things pink, Kendra Scott certainly speaks my language. Here's my dilemma always: go with the mom studs, because I wear studs day in and out, or go for the danglies, because I only own a couple (though get to wear them way less). The Ellie studs are actually on super sale right now, though!
5. Where you'll find me this weekend:
In the kitchen! I love cooking for my boys and finally got to try out my pasta maker Kitchenaid attachment from Christmas this past week. I'm in love! It was tons of fun to make the dough and roll it out. I went with fettuccine noodles and they were all sorts of incredible. I'm thinking ravioli for the weekend. Any pasta makers out there with tips?
On a side note, I'm not sure if having an extensive background in education (a Master's degree and almost ten years teaching experience) makes it easier or harder to vet schools. Yes, it gives me a wealth of knowledge from which to draw, but I think it also makes me highly critical (which I'm hoping won't be an issue).
2. I'm totally a creature of habit, right down to my lunch choices. I'll get on a kick and have the same thing every single day. Does anyone else do this?? Last week, it was Boursin and sliced cucumbers on naan. This week? Every day it's been brie, green apple, smoked turkey and honey mustard on baguette. I'm now running low on ingredients so it's about time for a switch!

3. It's almost time for my very favorite holiday! We are so close to February I can almost taste it. Husby has commended me for my restraint this year in saving
Heart Print Pajama Short Set | Heart Pajama Pants | Heart Candy Pajama Set
4. And in the spirit of all things pink, Kendra Scott certainly speaks my language. Here's my dilemma always: go with the mom studs, because I wear studs day in and out, or go for the danglies, because I only own a couple (though get to wear them way less). The Ellie studs are actually on super sale right now, though!
5. Where you'll find me this weekend:
In the kitchen! I love cooking for my boys and finally got to try out my pasta maker Kitchenaid attachment from Christmas this past week. I'm in love! It was tons of fun to make the dough and roll it out. I went with fettuccine noodles and they were all sorts of incredible. I'm thinking ravioli for the weekend. Any pasta makers out there with tips?
Bye-bye, January!