Welcoming in this past weekend meant we got to welcome Max back home from Japan! The Huntsville airport is pretty small, so we literally got to see Max's plane (in from his Dallas layover) pull in and see him walk onto the jet bridge. I have never seen little man so excited for anything. Literally, Parker couldn't even nap that day because he didn't want to miss the "ah-puhhh!" and "Dada!" And when the plane finally came in, he just kept saying "Dada oooowwwwt! Dada oooowwwt!"
The best part of business travel for the wifey and kids? The goodies Dada brings home! Treats from Tokyo!
I also enjoyed this sound machine
all week. We've never used sound machines (even with Parker) because I never wanted to be dependent on them. However, while Parker and I were on travel last month, our sweet Scottsdale friends set us up in a guest room with a sound machine. I thought it was such a thoughtful item to have in a guest room, and I swear it helped me fall asleep faster! So, I ordered the same one for our guest room, with the intention of "borrowing" it every time Max leaves on travel (if you have a spouse who travels, you know it can be hard to fall asleep when they're gone!). It's been so nice having it!
I totally recommend having some fresh flowers around if the spouse is away! Nice excuse, right? And since it's peony season...

During the week, Sweet P and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather with lots of outdoor activities including picnicking outside. Parker discovered his love for macarons (or, as per usual, he just decided that what Mamma was eating looked way better than what he had, ha!).
I'm so happy we enjoyed some outside time, because this is what our weather looks like for the next week or so, eek!
We rounded up the weekend with our very first Memorial Day in the South. We were lucky to be able to watch Huntsville's Cotton Row Run pass right in front of our house bright and early Monday morning! There were actually three races, a 10K, 5K and 1 mile fun run. Over two thousand people competed in the 10K, and it was so much fun to cheer them on.
Parker's favorite part was pointing out the "beebos" (belly buttons).
Hoping your Memorial Day was full of remembrance.
Happy unofficial start to summer!
So cool the race passe right by the house! And totally love the pics of your little guy waiting for dad's plane!! I need to get myself a sound machine!! Have a great week!!