Have y'all seen the "numbered" posts going around blogland? In honor of April, the fourth month, I'm doing my very own fours...
FOUR of My Nicknames
Mande, Sugar, Wifey, Mommy (not sure if the last one counts as a nickname, but Parker has always called me "Mamma" and now half the time he says "Mommy" - it's like he grew up overnight!)
FOUR Jobs I've Had
Ice Cream Scooper at Baskin Robbins, Tour Guide/Orientation Leader for UCSB (Go, Gauchos!), Nanny, Elementary School Teacher
FOUR Movies I've Watched More Than Once
Clueless (I'm sure I can recite this one from memory), Sixteen Candles, Roman Holiday, The American President
FOUR Things in My Purse (for me!)
FOUR Things in my Purse (for my toddler!)
I have pretty much stopped carrying around a diaper bag now that P is a toddler and doesn't need half the things he did when he was a baby baby. Instead, I keep a few supplies for him in my (ginormous) purse, including...
I have pretty much stopped carrying around a diaper bag now that P is a toddler and doesn't need half the things he did when he was a baby baby. Instead, I keep a few supplies for him in my (ginormous) purse, including...
FOUR Places I've Lived
California, Washington, D.C., Arizona, and my new Sweet Home - Alabama!
FOUR Places I've Visited (foreign)
Tahiti, Mexico, England, Cayman Islands
FOUR Places I've Visited (domestic)
Yankee Stadium - New York, Mount Rushmore - South Dakota, Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve - Hawaii, Yellowstone National Park - Montana
FOUR Places on my Travel Bucket List
Maldives via here
FOUR Things I Don't Eat
I'm pretty open to everything - especially if it's fresh and prepared well. Lamb, foie gras, raw sushi, beef carpaccio - bring it on! So what's on my "no" list?
I'm pretty open to everything - especially if it's fresh and prepared well. Lamb, foie gras, raw sushi, beef carpaccio - bring it on! So what's on my "no" list?
1. Fake Sugar - I enjoyed Diet Cokes and sugar-free yogurts up until I met my husband, who pointed out that they tasted gross. After tasting the "real thing" after many years of "sugar free", I totally agreed and switched to real sugar for everything. The funny thing is I lost five pounds after doing this. I'm convinced that fake sugar wasn't right for my body.
2. Nonfat Dairy - I'm slightly lactose intolerant. This is especially frustrating at fro-yo places when the best flavors are non-fat. Sigh. It's just real ice cream and gelato for me!
3. Margarine - I'm a butter fan
4. Shrimp Heads - While I'm slightly adventurous, I just haven't been able to eat one of these guys yet, despite the fact I know they are (supposedly) the tastiest part
2. Nonfat Dairy - I'm slightly lactose intolerant. This is especially frustrating at fro-yo places when the best flavors are non-fat. Sigh. It's just real ice cream and gelato for me!
3. Margarine - I'm a butter fan
4. Shrimp Heads - While I'm slightly adventurous, I just haven't been able to eat one of these guys yet, despite the fact I know they are (supposedly) the tastiest part
FOUR Television Shows I Watch
Scandal, The Bachelor, Top Chef, Gilmore Girls
Even though we still haven't hooked up cable at the new house, Max and I manage to keep up with Scandal and Top Chef. The Bachelor will forever be my guilty pleasure, dating back to my college days of watching Andrew Firestone's season with my six roommates (though my love continued on via hosting viewing parties). And while Gilmore Girls sadly had its season finale many years ago, if I'm folding laundry and Sweet P is sleeping, you can bet that it's streaming on Netflix.
FOUR Things to Look Forward to This Summer
Visiting the Beach, Music in the Park,
Growing Herbs & Veggies, Becoming an Auntie! (My sister Lindsey is due in July!)Bring on summer!
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