This month has brought so much change! I feel like every day Parker is doing something new, or is changing physically. I literally looked down at his hands the other day and thought Who’s hands are these?? They were just so BIG; they couldn’t possibly belong to my baby. Then last week, I watched as the outfits which were too big the week before were suddenly fitting – and snugly! Major growth spurt over here. All of a sudden my baby is looking like a little boy. I had heard that babies change at 18-months, and that that would bring the “language explosion” – well Parker must be one month early because it’s all happening now!
Hair: Parker had his first haircut at a real shop! Most of the time Parker’s hair looks dark blonde but often I see a red tint!
Health: We have one healthy
little man! Even with all our travel, Parker’s only fevers have ever been from
teething! Speaking of teething, poor little guy has been cutting his molars, ouch.

Sleep: Still taking two naps a day and sleeping through the night, about eleven hours (usually 8pm-7am)
Diet: Loving fruit (especially
blackberries), and anything he can ninja from mommy (he cracks me up when he
eats my salads; it’s adorable)

Likes: The big like this
month? Belly buttons!! Parker is obsessed! All during the day he will pick up
one of his two belly button books and bring it over, tapping on his belly and
so excited. He wants to look at his own belly button, and he wants to see
everyone else’s, too! He loves to blow raspberries on bellies like I do to him.
Parker continues to love music and
wants to have it on all. the. time. He does a little shimmy shake when it comes
on, or in the car seat when he hears a song he likes and I get such the kick
out of it!
He also loves being sung to. Every
time I put him down to sleep, we read in his rocking chair and then I sing to
him. He looks up at me and signs “more” over and over and my heart completely
Parker can’t get enough FaceTime
with his dada. He will grab the phone and kiss his daddy’s face on the screen,
and will even take the phone and try to go snuggle with it.
Social: Parker will crack us
up at restaurants – all he wants to do it be put down to wander the tables and
wave to everyone. It’s too darling for words. He pretty much waves at anyone he
sees. People in cars when we go on walks, desk attendants at the airport,
cashiers at the grocery store… Parker has also started doing the funniest thing
thing – when I ask him for kisses now, he bends his head down so I can kiss his
forehead. Melt my heart. He is very conservative with the kisses he gives out,
Parker’s current favorite game is
Peek-a-Boo. He will play by hiding behind the curtains, or crawling under the
table, or just covering his face with his hands.
Parker lets us know when he wants
to be held by coming over and saying “uh-puh” (up). I try each time to get him
to add a “please” to this, but he apparently thinks it’s just superfluous. Hoping to get “please” up in the mix soon – I can get him to make a “plsssss”
Milestones: Parker’s vocabulary is
expanding by the second! His favorite spoken words right now are stop (for stop signs) and airplane (though they sound like “o-p”
and “ay-puh”). It’s adorable watching him get super animated when he sees a stop
sign or a plane – he will excitedly point to it and say the name. He also loves
to point out cats in books (“ki-tty”)
and recognizes my keys
(“keeeeeesssss”). He sounds just like Donald Duck when he says hole – it’s so funny! His spoken
vocabulary is at about twenty words and he understands countless words and
phrases. His signed vocabulary is consisting of milk, hot, more and bird.
Parker continues to love making
text-to-self connections when reading, and surprised us one day by pointing to
the bed in a book and then to his crib (he now does this every time he sees a
bed in a book, ha!). He of course still loves books in general and can be found
any time of the day sorting through his book bins for his current choice and
running it over to me to read to him.
Parker’s most random interest this
month? Our freezer. He walks over to it and says “ah-pen” (open), and once I
open it he proceeds to play with the ice, picking up random pieces and putting
them back.
Firsts: First time visiting Alabama
to go see daddy! This was also Parker’s longest flight so far. It was a long
day of travel for mamma and Parker but we made it cross-country! Parker also
went on his first amusement park ride at the Santa Cruz Beach boardwalk with
his Omi and SheShe, and had his first haircut at a real shop.
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