The bean is now seven months old! Here's what new...
Height: 28 ½
Weight: 17 lbs.
Hair: Parker is getting more and more hair! He’s no longer my little bald
baby, and instead has lots of light brown hair (still concentrated in a Mohawk
in the center of his head).
Diapers: Parker
is still in size three Little Movers from Huggies.
Little man is wearing 9-month and 12-month sizes.
Health: Baby
boy is getting his very first tooth! Max noticed it while we were feeding
Parker dinner just a few days before he turned seven months old. It’s just a
little sliver so far, coming in on his bottom left.
Sleep: Parker has been sleeping nights in his
own room for a month now! He goes down around seven-thirty or eight, and wakes
up between six-thirty and seven-thirty. Mamma and daddy are twelve kinds of
excited about this, and feel very lucky that he has become such an awesome
sleeper. We still remember those first few months when Parker woke every few
hours all night long…the first time Parker slept for four hours in a row, we (in our delirious yet giddy sleep deprived
state) started chanting “Four more hours! Four more hours!” Of course, he did
not sleep four more hours after that, and instead woke after two. I’d like to
think that we paid our sleepless dues and will now have a solid sleeper. I’ll
knock on wood. As far as naps go, Parker still takes one morning nap, and one
or two afternoon naps.
Diet: Parker
eats like a champ! He loves just about everything! The one food we discovered
that he’s not a fan of is yellow squash. After repeatedly spitting it out, he
actually closed his mouth and turned away from the spoon, but opened right back
up for a bite of sweet potato! This month’s new foods included green peas,
apple, mango, pear, parsnip, blueberry, chicken, spinach, and (in honor of
autumn and October) pumpkin! I’ve continued cooking and pureeing all of little
man’s food myself and I still find it so much fun to do! Parker eats a morning
meal (baby oatmeal plus a fruit like apple, banana or blueberry) and then eats
dinner when we do (usually two veggies and now chicken!). He nurses five or six times a day (after refusing to
take a bottle so many times, we haven’t even tried to give him one in weeks and
weeks now!).
Gear Love: Parker is loving stuffed animals lately, especially ones that
play music! We’ve been using the Bugaboo for nighttime family walks several
times a week (and sometimes just Parker and Mommy walks in the morning). We
changed it from the cradle setting to the upright seat and little man just loves
looking around at the houses, cacti, trees and animals. Sophie the giraffe
continues to be Parker’s very favorite toy.
New Experiences: We have started
using baby sign language with Parker! We sign for eat, more, please, thank-you, drink, book, milk, fan, apple, peas,
carrot, and banana.
Likes: Sucking
on his index finger, listening to stories and songs, eating (especially sweet
potato), chewing on anything (especially Sophie), going on walks, sitting up,
toys that play music.
Firsts: Parker took his first
trip to daddy’s home state of Texas this past month!

Sweet Baby Boy,
Your daddy and I think that you are boatloads of fun right
now! You are at such an interactive and happy age! We love making you giggle
and spending time as a family playing, reading, walking, or just snuggling in
bed. You are beginning to communicate more with your legs, feet and hands. You
kick and kick and kick when we feed you something you like to eat (like
blueberries) and smack your arm on your highchair if you want more fast. We just love mealtime, even though
you usually make a big mess! You like to play with us, but are also content
sitting and playing on your own, pushing around toys, turning them over and of
course putting them all in your mouth. You still go in your swing sometimes,
usually while I’m making dinner. You listen to the classical music it plays and
watch me cook. Someday you can be my little sous chef! You like to stand in
your yellow car walker, and can even “walk” using it! You still love watching
the fish in the aquarium, and will crane your neck if you’re in the den so you
can see them. You stare, just fascinated! Daddy went to Norway this month and
you had fun face timing with him while he was gone. You get the biggest smile
when you see his face on the screen. Sweet Parker, we just love watching you
grow and can’t wait to see what’s next!
Love, Mom and Dad
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