Valentine's Day is the best day to be a teacher! This year, we ran special Valentine's Day centers during reading time, did candy heart math, and of course exchanged valentines. I got this idea from my sweet colleague Amy to post all the valentines my firsties gifted me. They loved coming up to it and finding the ones they gave : )

I also had some help from Pinterest for the big day. I found these adorable valentines here:
And made the more adult (Crystal Light vs. Hawaiian Punch) version for my first grade teammates and our school secretaries.

I found this idea on Pinterest as well:

The idea was to tie a memory on to a balloon for each year together and have your sweetheart wake up to them. Well, my sweetheart is a light sleeper and caught me bringing the balloons in!

I still loved writing the memories, though, and reading them together was such a great start to the day!

The hubs was sweet in his own way with roses of my favorite color : )

I gifted him his very first article of pink clothing, which he wore to dinner.

Dinner was our third annual Petite Maison feast. This was course three, Filet with Béarnaise and Pommes Robuchon- delish. Pictured is the sweet gold double-heart necklace Max surprised me with before dinner that I love, love, love.

Our dinner was on the patio this year. Last year it was beautiful, and we decided that the next year we should reserve an outside table. However this year, it threatened to rain! Luckily it was clear as a bell, and they brought out space heaters and blankets for the chill (which was nonexistent thanks to the heaters). Here's our perfect end to a wonderful day of love:

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