Sister Weekend

My sister Lindsey flew in from California for a weekend stay! We were able to shop, get mani pedis, watch a movie in our home theatre, and hit up Happy Hour at my favorite place - The Herb Box! We started off the weekend with a hike to Pinnacle Peak which is right by our house (and yet it was my first time ever hiking it!).

We tried to locate our house on the hike but couldn't quite spot it.

Always thinking of teaching, I had to snap a photo with the Saguaro cactus sign : )

It shows that the saguaros don't start growing their arms until they are 60-100 years old! We learn about the desert in the springtime so I'll definitely keep these photos for then : )

We also had our second meal at our dining table!

And Max fascinated my sister with the new iPhone 4s.

There's a "personal assistant application" called Siri that uses your voice to search and answer questions like "Why is the sky blue?"

She'll also answer when you say to call or text someone, or just when you say "I love you."

Max also let Lindsey take Pepper for a spin : )

We spent our last day having a pool day!

Hurry back soon, sister!


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