My sweet parents sent us a gift certificate for our 2 year anniversary to one of our favorite restaurants here in Scottsdale: Petite Maison! We held onto it and decided to use it Friday night to celebrate our 25th month of marriage and of course surviving snake #2 (if you're calculating, that's one snake for every 12.5 months of marriage ; )

We usually only get to go to Petite Maison once a year (on Valentines Day) so I was super excited for a night of delectable food. Max and I both started with the chilled melon soup:

Our Grand Marnier soufflé was gone in about 2.2 seconds so we didn't catch a photo of dessert. Yay to 25 months! Thanks, mom and dad!
Those seared scallops look delicieux! I'll have to put Petite Maison on my bucket list if I'm ever in AZ;-) happy 2 years and 2 snakes!