Good-Bye Carpet, Hello Mess!

When we moved into our house in April, we decided that this upstairs room would be Max's office (lab). It's on the second story and has a cute window that looks out onto the den and kitchen so he can call down to me when I'm making dinner : ) It also has a neat door that leads to the outside balcony. Unfortunately, it also had carpet, which is bad for electronics as it can generate static electricity. Max has been patiently storing all of his equipment in another room until we can change the floor, which we finally got around to starting this weekend. Here's what the office looked like this morning:

And me, mid carpet roll:

Next it was time to pry up the tack strip that kept the carpet down:

And then the baseboards needed to go, too:

By mid-day, we had this mess on our hands:

Max decided he also wanted to add a 20 amp outlet for his work bench, as well as a bunch of network connections:

They were a bit tricky to run:

By nightfall, we were looking at this clear floor:

So it was time to bring out our new hardwoods! We purchased more of the same exact type we had installed downstairs:

We prepped by measuring and making chalk lines:

And then fit a few pieces together to get a feel for the look:

Tomorrow it will be time to glue and nail-gun! Wish us luck!

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