Mom/Mom-in-Law ready to bowl:
Here I am, so sad to be leaving just one pin:

Max and his textbook form:

We brought along the high speed camera I surprised Max with over the summer- this is it shooting 300 frames a second, watching the pins fall:
And another of me, shot by my hubby (excited to get a strike at the end!):
Max is the only person I know who owns his own bowling ball and shoes:
I must say, it makes me envious to see his clean, shiny shoes when I'm lacing up my rentals, so I have added bowling shoes to my Christmas wish list ; )
Speaking of Christmas, it's never to early to start planning, and Max and I recently realized that we have no ornaments for our future first Christmas tree! To get ready, my mom and I stocked up on red and silver ornaments (Max chose the colors) and also popped on over to Michael's for some clear glass ornaments and feathers to replicate an idea I saw online:

So pretty! Thanks, mom!
Also, for our first Christmas as husband and wife, we wanted cutesy matching stockings:

And by "we" I mean "me" but Max is a good sport ; ) Now it's just so hard to wait until after Thanksgiving to actually put everything up!
Amanada, you seem having a great fun. By the way nice shoes you are wearing. They seem perfect according to this place.